Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 190,988,180 Issue: 590 | 12th day of Eating, Y15
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Continued Series

Song of Silence: Part Six

Weeks passed, and Desdamona and Sofia met to practise every day. It was the only thing that gave the voiceless little Draik hope...

by fields_of_gold
Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Perception - Part Two

It had been a setup and now an agent of Colonel Iniquitous was loose in the Defenders of Neopia HQ. Judge Hog and Orig were down already. Chloe slammed her hand down on the button to initiate a full HQ lockdown...

by kristykimmy
The Darkfordian Chronicles: Wind - Part Three

Kaseem reached the camp as the last rays of sun kissed the earth. The firelight was welcoming, as were the cloaked figures standing on the solidness of rock.

by creativemonster9
Desert Journey: Part Three

Suddenly he heard a faint and growing rumbling noise from above. Noel quickly looked up to find various rocks of all sizes crashing down upon him.

by cureleantwilight
The Puppeteer: Part Two

This was the first time Ajuro had been in the Haunted Woods, and the few tales he had heard about it had been adequate preparation. In fact, he was expecting a monster or a tree to jump out in front of him at any moment...

by rachelindea
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Improve Your Luck

Perhaps you just tend to purchase losing lottery tickets, find yourself constantly passed over by the Wishing Well or just watch in envy as everyone around you excitedly shares their latest random event. No matter what particular scenario you are finding yourself in (or maybe it is all of the above), you know that there is just one thing to do... blame your bad luck. So maybe you're not as lucky as you want to be, but don't worry- there are ways that you can improve your bad luck so things start looking your way...

Other Stories


A Philosophy of Stars
"It's what made me want to join the Corps."

by vltava


Lost and Found
"I'm going on a trip; you're going to stay in the pound until then."

by rasgirl


Style Guide: Make Me Up
Break out the lipsticks and the false eyelashes!

by ilovezacandhsm


Neopets when English is not your first language
There is not only one Neopia but many of them, depending on which language you choose.

by ratifute


Happy Grey Day?

by pau_meow


The Cheery Plant
Have a CHEERful day.

by darkdragon_slayer

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