Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 194,905,106 Issue: 805 | 10th day of Storing, Y19
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Continued Series

We Ought Never To Have Done It: Part Seven

In the clearing, there stands a shovel.

Also by icanhaskaila

by emblo93

A trip to the Seven Wonders of the (Neopian) World: Part Five

Arriving at the Deserted Fairground, Seamus felt a sense of dread. He had been warned about how run-down it was, but he wasn't expecting it to be quite this run-down.

by sallynicol
The Dark Faeries' Plot: Part Six

In a dimly-lit dead end in the dungeons below the Faerie Palace, the six Dark Faeries advanced on the trio of Neopets, arranging themselves in an arc and raising their hands as if to begin their spell.

by jayeless
The Magical Transporter: Part Three

Calleigh and Amy couldn’t go any further through the forest. The path became so small that there was no way through.

by hallie035
My Childhood Neohome: Part Four

The Cake is a Lie!

by jillcrash
Skipping School:Part Four

Cages. Hundreds of cages. And each held a separate Neopet, either knocked out, coughing, in pain, or in some way immobilized. It was heartbreaking to witness.

by invalid
Clara Chatham Shenkuu Plot: Part Two

Clara Chatham learns more about Lunar Temple Keepers

by restisunwritten
Defenders of Neopia - Where They've Been: Part Three

In the command room, red lights were blinking all over the console. One of the guards spun around in their chair and glanced at the monitors. He chose one and zoomed in.

by grimmbones7
AAA and Abigails Astounding Race: Part Two

So if your opponent has passed first, the light will already be green! But at least you’ll know you’re going the right direction.

by ilhs11
Ballindalloch: Part Three

Her bedroom still had pieces of flowered yellow wallpaper clinging to it, and as far as Avery was concerned, this was as good a reason as any to assume that her room was the last to have been worked on before the family had left.

by dewdropzz
Hitomi the Witch: Part Two


by downrightdude
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"A Sister's Business" by nikibogwater
Casey and Norman were quite the ordinary sort of siblings, for the most part. Casey, as the elder of the two, was responsible, reliable, and not prone to discomposure. Norman was young, energetic, and perhaps a little too naive for his age. They did the sort of things that ordinary Neopets do. They lived in an ordinary house in Neopia Central and went to an ordinary school. Nothing about them could really be called extraordinary. Besides the obvious, of course. It was a Friday, and Casey was sitting in front of the playground, tail wrapped primly around her paws and holding her head up as proud as any Lupe could. She was not unaware of the awkward glances she received from passing students, but one sharp look from her intimidating, bright eyes was enough to keep them silent. One of her ears twitched impatiently. Norman did not understand the meaning of the word "punctual," nor did he care to learn it. She had been waiting there for a full four-and-a-half minutes before she caught sight of his pale, bouncy ears bobbing up and down in a sea of dispersing students. A high-pitched shriek suddenly ripped through the usual noises of departing school pets, and Casey saw Norman’s ears drop from their upright position. "Not again..." she groaned, shouldering her backpack and shoving her way through the mob of confused and frightened Neopets. She found her brother in a sort of oasis made by the crowd of students all hurriedly backing away from him in a wide circle. In the middle, a Ghost Blumaroo was attempting to apologize to a rather stunned Wocky, whose fur was bristled up like a cactus and sticking out every which way.

Other Stories


The League of Adventurers
But ancient Neopia is something else entirely. At any rate, it’s nice to just pretend to adventure sometimes.

by cosmicfire918


Just A Normal Day In Neovia
It was a normal depressing morning in Neovia. Grey clouds that threatened rain hung low in the sky as Shopkeepers were unlocking their doors and greeting each other as they started their days in the foggy streets of Neovia.

by pokemon4ever45


Do Not Donate Your Garbage: A Polite Suggestion
Polite suggestions for Neopians...

by cherishtwilight


The Neopet That Frightens Me the Most Painted Ghost
I mean the title speaks for itself...

by midnight_spell360


Training Troubles
Darn you coconut...

by sallyneko


The Overly Ambitious Kacheek IV
Misadventures of one very ambitious chocolate Kacheek!

by meghaanlee

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