The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 194,905,106 Issue: 805 | 10th day of Storing, Y19
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Short Stories

Just A Normal Day In Neovia

It was a normal depressing morning in Neovia. Grey clouds that threatened rain hung low in the sky as Shopkeepers were unlocking their doors and greeting each other as they started their days in the foggy streets of Neovia.

by pokemon4ever45

The shadows swirled around her like water escaping down a drain. They screeched at her, taunting her very existence.

by lithoxide
The League of Adventurers

But ancient Neopia is something else entirely. At any rate, it’s nice to just pretend to adventure sometimes.

by cosmicfire918
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Soup for the Neopian Soul

It is the Month of Storing here in Neopia and boy is it ever COLD. The time of warm summer breezes, cool crisp waters, fresh fruity drinks with sunny perfect days are gone! I know! So sad. Well, don’t be too sad, you might end up turning Grey! Boy, that might throw a battle muffin in some of our plans, wouldn’t it? Never fear! This edition for “Soup for the Neopian Soul” is guaranteed to warm your Neopian up from the inside, complete with that ooshy, warm feeling of love, straight from the stove to replace the fading fun of lost summer days! These recipes are straight from the Gourmet Club of Neopia, for you to make at home, to get bonus points of feeling quite fancy!

Other Stories


BD Nuances: Freezing, Full-blocking, and Disables
Whether you’re going for Battledome avatars or just farming your daily loot, you’ve undoubtedly used one of these three mechanics.

by dfgh5067


Soup for the Neopian Soul
It is the Month of Storing here in Neopia and boy is it ever COLD.

by remidica


A Sister's Business
...diving into his Omelette with gusto.

by nikibogwater


The Magical Transporter: Part Three
Calleigh and Amy couldn’t go any further through the forest. The path became so small that there was no way through.

by hallie035


Another Junk Stock

Also by seluker406

by emberfusion


Fifth Pet Slot Inspo!
Great... just we need...competition...

by butterflybandage

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