White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 138,839,046 Issue: 287 | 13th day of Eating, Y9
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New Series

Outsider Within: Web of Deceit - Part One

D.A. briefly narrowed her cool blue eyes at Vosh for giving the Scorchio fuel to his fire. Still addressing Vosh, she said, "These are the Chambers of Darigan; we are responsible for the safety of all living on the Citadel..."

by tashni
Neoplay: Two Faeries and a Wannabe Evil Overlord - Part One

"Excuse me, does anybody know where the nearest inn is?" The voice. Arathyne froze. It was too familiar...

Also by fsufan266

by kioasakka

Dry Danger: Part One

"I'm sorry, my little friend, but what this little fellow is suffering from is dehydration. As am I, and you, and everyone else in this desert. Without our much needed rainfall, I'm afraid there is nothing I can do for him..."

by krapoza
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Scaling Shenkuu

The object of this game is simple: get to the top of the mountain. You do this by throwing a grappling hook attached to the end of a rope at rock ledges above you so you can propel yourself further upward until you reach the summit. Sounds easy, doesn't it? Well... the trick to this new game is knowing how to aim your grappling hook at the rock ledges as they fly past you on your way up the mountain...

Other Stories


Alima's Tales: The Broken Mirror
Tolli had not given up the chase and was hot on his heels. The Island Meerca scowled...

Also by renrenthehamster

by lady_xayla


Remember, not all Dark faeries are bad!

by bookworm_kate347


Climb Ev'ry Mountain
The trick to this new game is knowing how to aim your grappling hook at the rock ledges as they fly past you on your way up the mountain. Just because you place your pointer on a ledge doesn't always mean you're actually aiming there...

by deuceloosely4711


The loss of avatars has created a major crisis! And in this light, our team of investigators has come up with the idea to find those avatars!

by zooksie


Kougras have such active imaginations!

by aiyakhiori


Pet Kicks Club
Help! Help! Splash! Ka-Boom!

by gelert548

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