Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 138,839,046 Issue: 287 | 13th day of Eating, Y9
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

"Everyone has a weakness. You must train yourself to look for your opponent's weakness, and use it to your best advantage."

(Un)Happy Grey Day

Many a Neopian has stared out of a window out onto a gloomy, rainy day and drawn an unhappy sigh. Precious few have not felt inner longing whilst staring at a beautifully melancholy Grey Paint Brush. Only the clueless haven't read the Neopedia article about the Grey Faerie who begins her quest to find her new name. What is the perfect occasion to celebrate all of this? Grey Day, of course! The 14th of this month...

Scaling Shenkuu

The object of this game is simple: get to the top of the mountain. You do this by throwing a grappling hook attached to the end of a rope at rock ledges above you so you can propel yourself further upward until you reach the summit. Sounds easy, doesn't it? Well... the trick to this new game is knowing how to aim your grappling hook at the rock ledges as they fly past you on your way up the mountain...

Neohomes: Baby Proofing

So, here it is, the first day, filled with sunshine, butterflies, rainbows, and cute little puppies with wide brown eyes, right? You're overwhelmed with the simple joy of bringing your new bundle of love to your neohome, where you've already set up and furnished a baby-themed room. But wait; is the rest of your lovely neohome baby friendly yet? You might want to consider this before you put that playful tike down just yet...

Other Stories
"La Desperada" by baltogirl62791
A stale wind was blowing through the gnarled trees of the Spooky Woods. It was a grey, dreary cloudy day as usual. Broo sighed once more. Living in this kind of neighborhood didn't help their dim outlook. He flopped down under a tree, wrapped his arms tightly around his knees and sobbed. Everything seemed utterly hopeless. An acorn bounced off his head...

"Adopted: What It Meant For Me" by ses_1
"I hope you will be adopted quickly, and not be left here forever like some of our long term residents. They are a few years old. And will probably never be adopted. But you... I can tell someone will come soon. They will approach Maria, that pink Uni you saw, they will enter this very room... and see you..."

"A Cold, Grey Rain" by maxalt
A cold, grey rain drizzled slowly down onto the cold, grey, gloomy city of Neopia Central, covering everything and everyone within it in a cold, grey, dripping layer of (coincidentally) cold, grey raindrops. A small shadow Lupe, curled desperately on a lonely wooden bench, was no exception, being as cold and wet as everything else was--though perhaps not...

Make a Fortune From Fashion

This week's issue is brought to you by: Fashion Fever
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The Missing Skateboard
Ever since my family got me my first skateboard, they could never drag me away from it...

by grundos_rock_84


A Cold, Grey Rain
One day, Maeli had woken up in the warm desert, expecting to see her mother before her, handing her daughter a chilled tchea fruit, but she was alone in the ornate bedroom...

by maxalt


Legacy Of A Nose: Part Two
I started to relate what had happened over the past few weeks. It took a while as I was sneezing quite a bit. Doctor Telhah took notes on his clipboard...

by hstulberg


A World Of Fools
Be cool.

by trenla_rayne


Amikarashui #2
Can you help me?

by bluecloud300

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