Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 188,827,426 Issue: 540 | 13th day of Eating, Y14
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New Series

The Painter: Part One

It was a day like no other throughout the kingdom. The sun was gone, vanished and hidden by a thick cover of raging and writhing blanket of clouds above.

by rrooaarrrr
The Scarab and the Sea: Part One

It still seemed strange to Tomos that he was in charge of the other four Neopians, instead of being marched along in irons behind them.

by saphira_27
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The Way to Be Grey

To honor the Grey Faerie and all of the other pets like her, this is the perfect day to stay at home and mope. With all the tension and the dread in the air, it might be a little tough to cope with all of the sadness. That's where I come in. I'm here strictly to teach all of you young boys, girls, and Blumaroos to learn just how to be Grey. Let's get started. Step One: Everyone has seen a Grey pet once in their life. Their sad eyes, the look of...

Other Stories


Vampires from Space!
"In fact," Jennings continued, "Sometimes I even consider it a pity that self-appointed dictators such as myself do not have a union. If we did, I could petition for shorter working hours, a better pension..."

by herdygerdy


The Lost City
This was the fourth time we explored the ruins.

Coauthored by fluttergork

by draconis


The Way to Be Grey
Grey Day: the saddest day in all of Neopia. A day set aside to honor the heartbroken, the lonely, and the pets that are, well, just Grey.

by xxsicklullabiesxx


How To: Effectively Advertise Your Guild
The three most common ways you can advertise your guild in a polite, yet effective way.

by lil_grape_arborz



by bellepsyche


Things you should know about Usuls

by fressed

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