Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 192,452,302 Issue: 646 | 22nd day of Hunting, Y16
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New Series

The Cross-Painted Curse: Part One

"What's happened? I thought you were at the games room?" I'm really concerned. Her eyes have gone all Angry Meepit on me.

by swimmingstar01
Beauty Hides in the Deep: Part One

Navi is perfect. She has pale blue skin and a mane that flows through water like a moonbeam. Her hooves are dainty and gold, and in her finery she looks fit to be queen.

by xxfallensnowangelxx
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Team Improvements

First off, an Altador Cup team is composed of 5 players, and theoretically those 5 players represent an aspect the world they're playing for (of course there are tons of exceptions, but I'm using an ideal situation), and generally you can't really sum up an entire World with just 5 things. Second, everyone has their own opinions on what species, colour, or...

Other Stories


Masila's Beginning
Shivering, the Acara ran through the woods. Brambles and trees tore at her skirt, trying to entangle her in their grasp. She kept running.

by xenna_15


Usuki Singing Stars #19: The Return of Jelly Welly
"Here we are!" Sparkles cheered as she approached the Money Tree. The pink Bruce looked at the piles of toys, trinkets and other knickknacks that other Neopians had placed underneath the majestic tree...

by downrightdude


Keeping Those Cold Pets Cool: A Spring & Summer Guide
Five great ways of keeping your neopets cold and comfortable this spring and upcoming summer.

by porcelain__doll


Altador Cup Preparation
This guide features some of my favourite things to do as the excitement for the AC builds, but before it actually starts.

by usukii


Mauwee and The Mysterious Egg Part 5
So Mauwee took the egg on a quest...

by reantimate


Problems in the Lost Desert
Something is terribly wrong in the Lost Desert!

by triteleia

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