Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 192,452,302 Issue: 646 | 22nd day of Hunting, Y16
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Short Stories

Masila's Beginning

Shivering, the Acara ran through the woods. Brambles and trees tore at her skirt, trying to entangle her in their grasp. She kept running.

by xenna_15
The Daily Lives of Neopets

"Don't you know it'll be a matter of time till one of us goes to the pound again? This won't last forever."

by saphire_emblem
Of Coffee Shops and Guilds

I smiled wistfully and wondered how many of them really meant what they wrote...

by psychedelicreature
Dark Tower Down

No one in Neopia will forget the day that Faerieland fell from the sky. But what most of us didn't know was that some parts of it stayed airborne.

by blackghoulmon
Moving Day

Jimmy was still looking out the window, lost in his own thoughts. He was not nearly as excited about moving as his two roommates.

by nocturnal_ned
Usuki Singing Stars #19: The Return of Jelly Welly

"Here we are!" Sparkles cheered as she approached the Money Tree. The pink Bruce looked at the piles of toys, trinkets and other knickknacks that other Neopians had placed underneath the majestic tree...

by downrightdude
An Invisible Quiggle Seeing Himself

As he opened up his locker to put his stuff away, he thought to himself how nice it would be if he wasn't invisible...

by ohheyreplay
Stars Come Down

Every seed that landed in her hand jabbed out the beginnings of a root, but without any soil to sustain them, they burst like raindrops and disintegrated...

by searchingforneggs
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"Stars Come Down" by searchingforneggs
It was one of those days when you just don't care how wet you are. A rainstorm was thudding against the swollen hill, strips of water peeling off down the sides and feeding the lake. The ceiling of clouds had tightened overhead, still like a painting but gradually deepening to a dark plum color along with the falling rain. We were soaked through...

Other Stories


What To Do With Abandoned Pets?
Currently, there are more than 280 million Neopets in Neopia. That's... a lot of Neopets.

by swordlilly


Eight Game Avatars I Thought I'd Never Get: Part Two
This week I'll walk you through some of the most intimidating, time-consuming, and challenging avatars I've ever faced.

by maivry


The Golden Quill: Part Three
"I grew up much like you, but I was treated better because I was a natural dark faerie. But I wasn't exactly popular among the dark faerie children..."

by ewagon


Illusen's First Quest: Part Two
The glowing twig soon caught Illusen's eye, and she gasped realizing her emotions and tears had instilled magic in the tiny twig...

by shrinkme


Yamisai 5

by yoru_yamisai


The Dark Star: Part VII
Introducing Jaynestown, the... crew member! Thanks to almedha for helping write the story!

by the_shii

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