Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 190,988,152 Issue: 591 | 19th day of Eating, Y15
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Short Stories

Mr. Jonathon Chambers

The thief stared hungrily at the structure, his gaze filled with pure greed. He'd had his eyes set on this place for months...

by allison_kitty11
Advisor Broo's Scheme of War

"My King," he said, "I'd like to again suggest th-"

"After this game," the King said to his royal advisor.

"Yes, of course," Broo said, slinking back the shadows.

by garfield22222

Falling Star

"Cyrus! Cyrus, where are you?" The petite Usul knelt down on the varnished wooden floor, peering under the large couch in the extravagant bedroom.

by lux_aeterna1234
Illustria of The Thieves Guild

Illustria pulled her cloak closer around her with one hand, keeping the hood around her face. In the other, she held a small cloth bag, which was full of something apparently heavy.

by moonandflowers
A New Battler

I guess the real battledome is my house.

by melina322
Of Terrible Yo Java and New 'Friends'

"Honestly," you would gripe to your friends, "no one likes Yo Java THAT much. I am sensing an ulterior motive."

by cc_coffman98
Wings and Water

My sisters were triplets.

by geniusbulb
Ezulla the Princess of Shenkuu

From a distance, Shenkuu is filled with the deep greens of the grass and trees, bright blues from the flowing streams that lead to crashing waterfalls...

by painted_dreams87
The Reverse Negg

The Neopia-wide Festival of Neggs had been going on for a couple days now, and Reggie the red Shoyru had the luck of finding not one but none of the neggs being hidden throughout the land.

by cookiez101
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"The Keepers" by kandeegrrl
A very peculiar Zafara answered the door. He was glowing - though Kendrick had always suspected that it was a result of his many hours in his lab, and had nothing to do with a paint brush - with unruly hair and wearing a lab coat and Wellington boots covered in some blue bubbly substance. "Little Kenny!" Uncle Arthur exclaimed...

Other Stories


Customizing with Spring
With spring already upon us, it's time to smell the flowers, run through the fragrant meadows, listen to the bees buzzing and birds chirping, but also more importantly start customizing your pets for the season.

by cheriipie


Neopia's Best Sandwiches: A Countdown
Sometimes it's time to come back down to the basics. What better way to do so than a sandwich?

by dhullu


Uncertainty: Part Two
If there was any lesson that stuck with Dimitri over his lifetime, it was that failure should not be seen as the end of a project, but a chance to improve it.

by blueys45


King of the Land of the Sun: Part One
The Darkest Faerie, once called Melanthe by those who knew her, stepped out of the middle of the flames in the dark space. "Why, hello, Altador."

by saphira_27


Oh, Plumpy!
Plumpy finds some positive points in the war!

by x_mystichorse_x


Something has happened!

by usuki_kid

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