Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 195,069,709 Issue: 818 | 9th day of Running, Y20
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Short Stories

Donny’s Apprentice

You didn't think Donny worked alone, did you?

by k3l26
Jhudora's Lament

So, you want my perspective after all these years? Fine.

by miraday
Timmy's Shenanigans Episode 1: Rise of Timmy and Stu

Mortogs. My kind of fellas.

by solxer
Seeking: One Master of the Universe

"Neopia. What a lovely planet. I think I'll take it.” Dr. Frank Sloth

by itipeque
Resurgence: Fiendish Formations

That made it even more imperative that Faerieland should be completely defended while the current situation is still being handled. Faerieland quite literally can't fall lower than it already has, and as a central source of magic and power for Neopia, it couldn't fall into the hands of the Wraith...

by opossumman
Message the Grundo

Have you seen an intergalactic prince?

by hatsuomi
Search the Neopian Times


The Forgotten Hero

In these peaceful and pragmatic times, it is easy to forget things that should never be forgotten...things like heroes for instance; Heroes who mapped the course of the history of this great land through their self-less and sacrificial actions. One such hero has been forgotten, yet the actions of this one hero who, to this day, remains nameless changed the entire outcome of Tyrannian and even Neopian history forever.

Other Stories


Ugga Drop Gold Trophy Guide
Ugga Drop is a fairly simple game that you can easily master with a bit of practice.

by dark_rose_15


Goals on the Go: Achieving Many Neo-Goals At Once
In this article, I will highlight different categories of Neopian goals and achievements that can be worked toward at the same time.

by 1isprime


Change Needs Growth: Part Three
Thank you to those who supported me and believed in my creativity the whole time. A big thank you to Mikey J and Papa Be

by jehtredmonkey


The Whispering Wail Sword: Part Five
They had found the whispering wail sword, she was convinced it was always just a myth, but here it was, glowing with power.

by purplehopper


The Good Old Days
Times, they are a changing.

by kuroneko_kitty


Another Kau Pun
What do Kaus do in their free time?

by kennielee

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