The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 103,901,843 Issue: 205 | 26th day of Hiding, Y7
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword vyddendarkblade

Week - 205

"Something Has Happened" Not Happening?
by vyddendarkblade
Description: Not long after you and your perfect pet arrive in Neopia, you’ll eventually cross paths with the infamous yellow box at the top of a page that announces excitedly “Something Has Happened.”

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Maggie the Meerca - a Cautionary Tale
Once upon a time in Neopia there lived a young Meerca named Maggie. She was very sweet, and her parents loved her dearly, but she had one serious character flaw. She was an incessant chatterbox!

by geneames1


Petpet Cannonball: the Guide
You should get educated on how to play Petpet Cannonball! And this is exactly where you can learn! After you read this guide, you'll be a pro…at least after some practice!

by p0lkad0t3


Escape from the Space Station: Part One
My life began on the Virtupets Space Station. I won't say that I was born there, because that implies having a family who wanted you for you, even before you existed. I was created because there was work to be done...

by sois_sage


Because of Jhudora's Book: Part Two
She sighed, but not out of regret. Oh no, she did not regret joining Jhudora, even if yesterday she had been a little shaky...

by kemppotatoe


The Rainbow and the Wind: Part One
She'd sweep by your ear; you'd feel a light breeze encircle you, and sometimes it was cool, and sometimes it was cold. And you'd hear that voice whispering in your ear: "Cirsha."

by neo_star_queen

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