teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 103,901,843 Issue: 205 | 26th day of Hiding, Y7
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Short Stories

Vision Quest

When a villager of Geraptiku learned the arts of tracking, hunting, and survival, and was ready to have a voice among the worthy, he or she must prove that their knowledge was well-ingrained. And he or she must have a Vision.

by laurelinden
The Diary of a Pea Chia

Dear Diary, Today was the first day of Neoschool. I have a wonderful teacher named Miss Usulberry; she even had a desk made smaller just for me, a little pea Chia!

by courtneycookie
Wishes by Moonlight: The Mark

"Caeson, stop acting like a puppy and get over here!"

by smurfafied1800
The Truth You've Been Waiting For...

Count Von Roo couldn't believe that the meeting was at 9:45 a.m. When it was still daylight!

by thecandyandfoodlover
On a Different Perspective

He didn't look too pleased when he saw me chewing on the tablecloth. As he gave a lecture to Sarabella_967 on how to properly raise a Babyca, I wandered around the incredible castle...

by __mayrie__
House Party

"Mom, Nelly buried my Usukis in the backyard again!" a red Usul shrieked as she practically flew through the kitchen and into her owner's arms. "Can we please sell him to our neighbors or something?"

by springsteen0991

by Silver

by czenko28
Serving the Sculptor

To say that Marek Alabaster was a charitable Skeith would be a lie and to say he was a nice one would be almost laughable. But he was messy; his living conditions were possibly the vilest I'd ever seen...

by twirlsncurls5
Petpet for a Madman

Sometimes it's best not to question the intentions of your customers...

by turquoisephoenix
Maggie the Meerca - a Cautionary Tale

Once upon a time in Neopia there lived a young Meerca named Maggie. She was very sweet, and her parents loved her dearly, but she had one serious character flaw. She was an incessant chatterbox!

by geneames1
Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Lessons

"Miss Mareian!" Fizzen, the blue Lenny apprentice, called as he dashed over to the pirate Lupess. "Today's the day I finally get to work in the streets, right?"

by nimras23

When Nuria was born so long ago, upon a first glance she had the normal, filmy wings of her fiery sisters but when she screwed her pale face up and began to cry (as new babies often do), her wings burst into flame...

by einstein20
The Artist

Of course, Clover was grateful for everything. The other servants were nice and she could even get off one day each month!

by shadowcristal
Kyrii Day Cake

As I said, today is an important day. It's Kyrii Day, the only day which would lead me to drag myself out of bed at five in the morning...

by jen4ever4ree
Search the Neopian Times


"Serving the Sculptor" by twirlsncurls5
You must think me quite brave to dare call upon such a creepy home as this. I have but one explanation: the stomach of an orphan child fears no strange kitchen and their soaked fur strays from no shelter. Besides, I had figured this disregarded place to be abandoned...

Other Stories


Dismissing the Myths About Sloth Minions
Contrary to popular belief, Sloth minions are not mindless drones who constantly boast about their master's achievements. I am here to prove this.

by darkerstrife


3 Ways to Become Distinguished Enough for Kelp
But if you're still longing for some of that exotic Maraquan cuisine, then this article will help you become a distinguished patron - distinguished enough to mosey on into Kelp without any kind of reservation.

by manga_animegrl218


The Petpet Detectives: Case of the Runaway Raindorf - Part Six
The Raindorf had left us a faint trail of hoof-prints to follow. We pressed further into the cave, the temperature growing a bit colder...

by playmobil_is_my_life


Never Trust A Chicken Man: Part Two
The Lupe nodded. "Well, can't we take a shortcut?" she asked, peering into a side alley. "Look, that alley is... diagonal..."

Also by extreme_fj0rd

by chocolateisamust


A. B.O.R.N. S.I.T.C.O.M.
Watch out, grapefruit.

by wonderweezel


Ai Yi Aisha
You wouldn't still be mad, would you?

by yami13331

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