Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 103,901,843 Issue: 205 | 26th day of Hiding, Y7
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Egad, Meepit

They may seem rather harmless...

by citadell
Revenge of the Sludge

This day had to come...

by lovy_lisa
Sanity Obsolete

Welcome to Level 100!

art by imogenweasley

by evanescent_pudding

Do Not Poke

Aww, poor Turmaculus...

by ssjelitegirl
Hide and no Seek

Let's play hide-and-seek!

by glowing_banana
N3oW3IRD Episode 04

Wanna know something cool?

by neekko

Robbie always thought that his glow was just a freaky attraction...

by spooky_squee7
A Tomato's Secret...

A guide to looking young and beautiful.

by jazzyshizzle


by freekygal
Nyah~! #3: Restocking

'Whiplash' is all sold out!

by ae0nsoul

The tooth faerie would be so proud!!

by linnipooh

Pool Fun Part 1...

by chibikatza
Grundo Stix #3

Oh no you don't....

by anikajinn
The Petpet Hole

Sadly... rocks can't climb.

by nicole1251
A. B.O.R.N. S.I.T.C.O.M.

Watch out, grapefruit.

by wonderweezel
The Angry King

I mean, I live practically next door!

by placid_nightmare
A Messed up Household

Just be back in time for dinner.

by snoepje007

A delightful comic about braaaiinss...

by the_kings_evil
200m Peanut Dash

Get ready, set....

by cinnamorollio
Speck the Speckled

It's so great that you could come and visit!

by cheetah_kougra
Marshmallow Grundo

Mmmmm. Marshmallow....

by ickessler
Dernière Danse

Packrat? Surely you must be joking.

by sarah_kun
Yup, it's me!

Old Neocola...

by j_ja_l_2003
T3h Praedius

Life's just not fair for ol' Praedius.

by arttimo
Ixi Incidents


by falorie21
Gone Golfing


by confuzerated
Bad Carma

Random events while battling can be a hazard...

by armadi

Good luck!

by jupeboxgal
Ai Yi Aisha

You wouldn't still be mad, would you?

by yami13331
Neopian Neophyte

Pshhh... this is more random that any event I ever saw! o.O

by leedom111
Usuki Day Idea

If you could just stay still...

by eyezinsanity

The importance of not being overconfident....

by kesomon
Search the Neopian Times


Uncovering the Magma

Ahhhhh, the sky is falling!!!!! No wait, those are only gigantic boulders that are being violently spewed from that volcano over there. But wait! Are those innocent Tyrannians trapped in the paths of all those flaming boulders? Oh no, they need help! And with this guide, you can single-handedly save all of their lives...

Other Stories


Serving the Sculptor
To say that Marek Alabaster was a charitable Skeith would be a lie and to say he was a nice one would be almost laughable. But he was messy; his living conditions were possibly the vilest I'd ever seen...

by twirlsncurls5


Chronicles of the Court Rogue: Lessons
"Miss Mareian!" Fizzen, the blue Lenny apprentice, called as he dashed over to the pirate Lupess. "Today's the day I finally get to work in the streets, right?"

by nimras23


The Art of Magma Blasting
In Magma Blaster, you play an Alien Aisha (not that you can see him on the screen anyway) that is selflessly trying to save Tyrannian Neopets from being squished under the smouldering rocks of impending doom.

Also by gigabit12163

by sum41girl2k


Decoding Your Petpet's Actions
Figure out what your petpet's actions mean.

by treehugger200096


The Rainbow Pearl: Part Three
Ariadne and Cela looked around at the island. It was desolate and foreboding-nothing like the island they had just been on...

by charlotte203368


The Return of Celia Synoptics: Part Four
DeSoni smiled and rubbed his chest, which ached a little like a bruise, but nothing more. It must've been only a level two. From the energy ray he'd seen, he'd bet Rocky had been hit with a five at least...

by appaloosa500

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