A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 103,901,843 Issue: 205 | 26th day of Hiding, Y7
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Marshmallow Grundo

by ickessler

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The Rainbow and the Wind: Part One
She'd sweep by your ear; you'd feel a light breeze encircle you, and sometimes it was cool, and sometimes it was cold. And you'd hear that voice whispering in your ear: "Cirsha."

by neo_star_queen


Does the Snow Faerie Wear Shoes?
Have you ever tried to observe the feet of a faerie? It would surprise you how many don't let you see their feet.

by master_1_jedi


Escape from the Space Station: Part One
My life began on the Virtupets Space Station. I won't say that I was born there, because that implies having a family who wanted you for you, even before you existed. I was created because there was work to be done...

by sois_sage


Pool Fun Part 1...

by chibikatza

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