teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 103,901,843 Issue: 205 | 26th day of Hiding, Y7
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New Series

The Search for Snowflake: Part One

By now, most people know that Hawkins, a rather average type of Kyrii painted the glorious color of green, works at the Neopian Times. What many (including poor Hawkins himself) don't know, however, is what exactly it is that Hawkins does there...

by buddy33774
The Rainbow and the Wind: Part One

She'd sweep by your ear; you'd feel a light breeze encircle you, and sometimes it was cool, and sometimes it was cold. And you'd hear that voice whispering in your ear: "Cirsha."

by neo_star_queen
BOOM!: Part One

"In two weeks," she declared excitedly, her ears perking, "we will be hosting our first ever science fair!"

by blubblub317
Mysterious Patchwork: Part One

Just as the Aisha planned, she walked in from the summer heat at the exact moment of the restock. She reached for one of the shelves near the door and grabbed a soft, stuffed pet...

by dark_goddess_rising
Escape from the Space Station: Part One

My life began on the Virtupets Space Station. I won't say that I was born there, because that implies having a family who wanted you for you, even before you existed. I was created because there was work to be done...

by sois_sage
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"Serving the Sculptor" by twirlsncurls5
You must think me quite brave to dare call upon such a creepy home as this. I have but one explanation: the stomach of an orphan child fears no strange kitchen and their soaked fur strays from no shelter. Besides, I had figured this disregarded place to be abandoned...

Other Stories


Serving the Sculptor
To say that Marek Alabaster was a charitable Skeith would be a lie and to say he was a nice one would be almost laughable. But he was messy; his living conditions were possibly the vilest I'd ever seen...

by twirlsncurls5


Kyrii Day Cake
As I said, today is an important day. It's Kyrii Day, the only day which would lead me to drag myself out of bed at five in the morning...

by jen4ever4ree


Does the Snow Faerie Wear Shoes?
Have you ever tried to observe the feet of a faerie? It would surprise you how many don't let you see their feet.

by master_1_jedi


Defence Techniques for Custard Pets
But as the Grarrl comes closer, you can see a hungry glint in his eye and practically hear the rumble of his empty stomach. Sure, he likes your new coloring, but he wants to see how you taste! Yes, maybe some would consider it cannibalism, but remember, you're custard now!

by puppy200010


The tooth faerie would be so proud!!

by linnipooh


The Angry King
I mean, I live practically next door!

by placid_nightmare

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