Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 103,901,843 Issue: 205 | 26th day of Hiding, Y7
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by chibikatza

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When Nuria was born so long ago, upon a first glance she had the normal, filmy wings of her fiery sisters but when she screwed her pale face up and began to cry (as new babies often do), her wings burst into flame...

by einstein20


Yup, it's me!
Old Neocola...

by j_ja_l_2003


Mysterious Patchwork: Part One
Just as the Aisha planned, she walked in from the summer heat at the exact moment of the restock. She reached for one of the shelves near the door and grabbed a soft, stuffed pet...

by dark_goddess_rising


Sanity Obsolete
Welcome to Level 100!

art by imogenweasley

by evanescent_pudding

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