The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 103,901,843 Issue: 205 | 26th day of Hiding, Y7
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Gone Golfing

by confuzerated

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The tooth faerie would be so proud!!

by linnipooh


The Search for Snowflake: Part One
By now, most people know that Hawkins, a rather average type of Kyrii painted the glorious color of green, works at the Neopian Times. What many (including poor Hawkins himself) don't know, however, is what exactly it is that Hawkins does there...

by buddy33774


EndingArrow: Part Ten
The two friends then began to stride through the swirling gales of snow, freezing, but knowing that if they hesitated, it could be the difference between victory and defeat against Frey...

by sara_mossflower


Wishes by Moonlight: The Mark
"Caeson, stop acting like a puppy and get over here!"

by smurfafied1800

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