Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 145,228,152 Issue: 305 | 17th day of Hiding, Y9
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Gothic Wings - New Glasses?!

by sacred_darknezz

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The Origin of the Smoothie
The legacy started several decades ago during a venture with a Tuskaninny named Wilson Shepard, Captain of the S.S. Neopia. During a routine sea voyage...

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Fighting Kass; The Tale of a Treehouse
My domain, though, did not lie within my cottage, or even within the huge corridors of Brightvale Castle, where my father worked. I spent my entire childhood in what I considered the most magical thing any backyard could have...

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Should plushie petpets be washed in the laundry?

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Mysteries of Neopia: Revealed
What lies within this article may be too shocking for some readers to handle. All of those illusions you had about these items will be shattered and replaced with the cold, hard truth...

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