teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 145,228,152 Issue: 305 | 17th day of Hiding, Y9
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New Series

Highrock Pack History Songs: Storm Surge - Part One

It had a dull brown coat of short, coarse fur slicked back by water. Its ears were short tufts, and it had long whiskers. It also had flippers...

by shinkoryu14
Shad and Saura: That Other City - Part One

"Not many people go to Qasala these days..."

Art by ssjelitegirl

by ssjelitegirl

The Dark Faeries' Apprentice: Part One

"It may seem like you never betrayed us," hissed us a second Dark Faerie, "but you did... we see it in your eyes. You have chosen your path. You gave in..."

by neo_star_queen
Star Power: Part One

"I look like a less pretty version of Turmaculus, and to add on to that, I think I lost my voice," Lena groaned...

by springsteen0991
Rainbow Lane: Part One

The ceremony of my three-monthhood would begin at the hour of twelve p.m. I was born exactly at that time. I would be painted white, supposedly the color of purity in my community. I highly doubt that now...

by enravishing
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"One Day At A Time" by ayame_23
12:00 p.m. Eat lunch with the rest of the team. The Aisha Defender made this an annoying task today. When I'm trying to have lunch, I don't want to hear about how her long golden locks got her in trouble today. Maybe if she cut her hair and stopped...

Other Stories


Fighting Kass; The Tale of a Treehouse
My domain, though, did not lie within my cottage, or even within the huge corridors of Brightvale Castle, where my father worked. I spent my entire childhood in what I considered the most magical thing any backyard could have...

by funkaneo123lala


Through Three Eyes
"It's nothing," Salba mumbled, sighing and hanging her head low. I could tell something was very wrong. "You don't need to know yet..."

by psychopsam


The Origin of the Smoothie
The legacy started several decades ago during a venture with a Tuskaninny named Wilson Shepard, Captain of the S.S. Neopia. During a routine sea voyage...

by monkeylover45497


Mysteries of Neopia: Revealed
What lies within this article may be too shocking for some readers to handle. All of those illusions you had about these items will be shattered and replaced with the cold, hard truth...

Also by propagated

by aidan_hood


Mwahahahh! FINALLY!

by furaiki


Unknown Title: Boredom

by pikemaster1

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