Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 145,228,152 Issue: 305 | 17th day of Hiding, Y9
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Continued Series

Smurdnunoc: Part Seven

Before anyone could answer, Lennert immediately started babbling away like a little hyper child, the floodgates that had been holding back his energy suddenly wide open. "Cory, did you hear about last night?"

by buddy33774
Pirate Steel: Part Two

Garin snorted. "You heard the little twerp; sounds like she's hated pirates since she was two. No way would she read books about us..."

by quinn9x9
The Quest for the Moonlit Orb: Part Four

"Why are you entering our fine city at this hour?" asked a Desert Grarrl standing before the gates of the city...

by alex313
Eddie Quiggle and the Case of the Missing Petpet: Part Three

And now, Ava Aisha was adamant that the PPL, and in particular Greg Techo, was behind the snatching of her Kadoatie...

Also by melbman

by anela19

Baery's Quest: Part Two

Baery said good bye to the Chia right outside of Meridell and pretended to hurry towards the city. When he heard the boat rumble away, he...

by jeanaet
The Voyage of the Fair Mortog: Part Two

"He's completely oblivious about her, the fool," came a voice that seemed to be answering my unspoken question. "She only even talks to him because..."

by ilovetoread_247
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"Monotonous Madness" by darkside_of_the_moon
"Umm... woohoo?" I replied, trying to sound enthusiastic for Darkside's benefit. She tries so hard to keep me and Staples happy, and I really appreciate it, but... she has a weird idea of fun, you know what I mean?

Other Stories


A Lucky Boy
"I'm so bored!" wailed Cal, rolling over onto his belly...

by nerdparty


Sloth's New Plan
Grundos were useless, Sloth thought as he entered the storage room. Boxes were thrown without organization, wherever it was easiest...

Also by extreme_fj0rd

by kittygirl5170


Mysteries of Neopia: Revealed
What lies within this article may be too shocking for some readers to handle. All of those illusions you had about these items will be shattered and replaced with the cold, hard truth...

Also by propagated

by aidan_hood


The Origin of the Smoothie
The legacy started several decades ago during a venture with a Tuskaninny named Wilson Shepard, Captain of the S.S. Neopia. During a routine sea voyage...

by monkeylover45497


The Not-So-Wise Skeith (#1)
I figured out a way...

by skeithey


The Neopian Times: Around Neopia!
Different ways to enjoy your weekly paper!

by musiclives2001

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