Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 145,228,152 Issue: 305 | 17th day of Hiding, Y9
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by furaiki

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Great stories!


Sloth's New Plan
Grundos were useless, Sloth thought as he entered the storage room. Boxes were thrown without organization, wherever it was easiest...

Also by extreme_fj0rd

by kittygirl5170


Slorg Slime #4
Come sit with me by the fire, stranger, and I shall tell you a tale like none you have ever heard...

by theicyworm


Razzle Dazzle - Episode XVII
You think you know a guy.

by khestrel


The Voyage of the Fair Mortog: Part Two
"He's completely oblivious about her, the fool," came a voice that seemed to be answering my unspoken question. "She only even talks to him because..."

by ilovetoread_247

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