Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 193,682,672 Issue: 707 | 13th day of Storing, Y17
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Ariathia vs Chomby

by moonlitennight

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Great stories!


Time for a Surprise!
A very cute one.

Also by pajama_333

by shaielchan


Ink: As Black as Ink - Part 6
These abandoned usershops are a real blight...

by june_scarlet


And Then There Was Silence: Part Five
Finneus hops carefully over the foggy waters of Bogshot Swamp, trying his best not to fall into the nasty, seemingly-gelatinous marsh. It's difficult, however, to maintain his balance when he's got tired, achy wings drooping behind him and his hands are full of treasures.

by theschizophrenicpunk


What Are Ghouls?
After yet another successful unhaunting, Brave Bren, the Professor, and Glyn were heading back to the Ghoul Catchers headquarters to recoup. Bren held the used equipment, the Professor held the lantern, and Glyn held the amulet containing the troublesome ghoul that they'd just been chasing for half an hour. As the Purple Usul stared down at the amulet and the forlorn face circling around on the inside, a strange question suddenly came to mind.

by cannizarro

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