Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 193,682,672 Issue: 707 | 13th day of Storing, Y17
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Picture Me This

Where should one draw the line?

Also by Minnesotan

by msjanny

Ink: As Black as Ink - Part 6

These abandoned usershops are a real blight...

by june_scarlet
Normal is Boring #3 - Part 1

The first of a two part adventure!

by alexatina
Anniversary - Part 8

Come for the cake, stay for the motes.

by caylista
Secrets of the Negg Faerie

It's full of secrets.

Also by: melovechias

by roxanna203

The Adventures of Kad and Drooly 4

I must escape...

by iciclefaerie05
Island Training School

So THAT'S what those are for...

by emeny_neo
Ariathia vs Chomby

Eat carrots!

by moonlitennight
Dizzy Wizzy

Just be careful...

Also by tarake_7_7_7

by stephsie

Random Adventures #1: Wings

I THOUGHT I fixed that.

by dashcostello
133984: Let Them Eat Cake, Part 6

So so lucky,

by lycaonpictus77

You didn't see anything...

by fourin
Random Oddness

Your pastel pets will love this joke.

by mistyqee
Thousand Yard Stare


by sheeplette
Lab Ray Confusion


by cherokee165
The Shocking Truth Behind Musho Mushy Peas

Oh no!

by toasterwaffle

Uh... Whoops?

Also by tizzlestix

by meowbey

Time for a Surprise!

A very cute one.

Also by pajama_333

by shaielchan

Eclectic Antics: Happy Birthday, Neopets!

Grab your forks; we've got cake!

by amarettoball
Trouble in Paradise: Candles

The candles are a lie! D:

by chasing_stars44
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"The Faerie Queen" by sacados
”I think I see a castle up ahead…we’re almost there!” Lacey squealed with excitement. She was finally going to Faerieland! It had always been Lacey’s dream to visit Faerieland, and now it was being made possible thanks to her class field trip. She and her classmates had learned all about the land’s history—how it once floated in the sky upon cloud tops, but now rests peacefully on Neopia’s surface. She had become somewhat obsessed with Faerieland soon after learning about it. Lacey was a faerie Neopet herself, after all, so she felt a connection to the land and wanted to discover everything it had to offer.

Other Stories


What Are Ghouls?
After yet another successful unhaunting, Brave Bren, the Professor, and Glyn were heading back to the Ghoul Catchers headquarters to recoup. Bren held the used equipment, the Professor held the lantern, and Glyn held the amulet containing the troublesome ghoul that they'd just been chasing for half an hour. As the Purple Usul stared down at the amulet and the forlorn face circling around on the inside, a strange question suddenly came to mind.

by cannizarro


Library of Kindness
"Rangeant, you're late again." Captain Threelegs muttered in front of the class. "I'm sorry Captain Threelegs. I overslept." I laughed as I walked through the Academy's classroom, walking to my seat. Captain Threelegs continued discussing the lesson while I was busy preparing things.

by misty_lax


Neopets’ Birthday Biggest Changes
Neopets’ Birthday is maybe a big time for the site but it doesn’t usually bring out many big changes. Plenty of new items and even Neopet Colours are released but nothing that affects the mass majority of Neopets players. However that doesn’t mean some big changes haven’t occurred on Neopets’ Birthday and while they usually are just restricted to during Neopets’ Birthday sometimes they’re permanent features all year around.

by pikachu315111


The Top 5 Foods from Meridell
Ironically, Meridell is not known for having the best food in Neopia even though much of what is eaten there is grown on local farms. In fact, it is widely known as one of the worst places to get a tasty meal.

by emilyralphy


Mr. Aramate's Wonderous Emporium of the Soul: Part Six
Carnival folk and townspeople were against them, but Mary and Charlie were small and fast, and the collapse of the Big Top had taken much of the field’s lighting down with it. The darkness was a shield. Peter, seizing an opportunity with the confusion, kicked Esther Fastbelly very firmly in the shin and made his own escape.

by herdygerdy


The Amulet's Curse: Part Three
“Reginald? Reginald. Please, it’s time to wake up.” It was Princess Amira, her beautiful face showed signs of stress already. “Quickly, we have to get moving, we have only three days remaining.”

by corrina404

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