The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 193,682,672 Issue: 707 | 13th day of Storing, Y17
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Continued Series

Mr. Aramate's Wonderous Emporium of the Soul: Part Six

Carnival folk and townspeople were against them, but Mary and Charlie were small and fast, and the collapse of the Big Top had taken much of the field’s lighting down with it. The darkness was a shield. Peter, seizing an opportunity with the confusion, kicked Esther Fastbelly very firmly in the shin and made his own escape.

by herdygerdy
A Queen's Ascension - Justice: Part Eight

By the time the three of them reached Jazan’s private office, it was the middle of the night. They stood outside the door, Tomos and Vyssa waiting for Nabile to make the first move. She was standing there looking a little uncertain.

by dudeiloled
Meegla and Fargon's Not-So-Intergalactic Adventures: Part Six

Meegla headed up the peak of Terror Mountain. She figured what she needed right now was a soothing game of Snow Roller; after flattening all manner of annoying neopets and petpets with a giant snowball, she could use the pathetically small rewards to buy herself a smoothie. Comforted by this thought, she braved the gale without so much as a wince.

by hybatsu
And Then There Was Silence: Part Five

Finneus hops carefully over the foggy waters of Bogshot Swamp, trying his best not to fall into the nasty, seemingly-gelatinous marsh. It's difficult, however, to maintain his balance when he's got tired, achy wings drooping behind him and his hands are full of treasures.

by theschizophrenicpunk
The Shade Files-Halloween Nightmare: Part Four

As we were fully aware of Forest’s expertise in magic, we knew that it would be a complete disaster if we attempted to arrest him right now. We were not certain how skilled he was in magic, but we knew that sending in Shadow Breeze by himself was completely out of the question unless we wanted him badly injured.

by lupe_hunter_7
The Faerie of Ars Arcanium: Part Two

"What do you mean she's the key to it?!" Sinisal said in bewilderment. She hadn't expected it to be this easy and truthfully neither did Diakumablo, although he tried to appear like he did.

by orisasda
The Amulet's Curse: Part Three

“Reginald? Reginald. Please, it’s time to wake up.” It was Princess Amira, her beautiful face showed signs of stress already. “Quickly, we have to get moving, we have only three days remaining.”

by corrina404
Search the Neopian Times


Werelupes: Myth, Legends, and Truth

What do you think of when you hear the word "Werelupe"? More than likely, you think of a large and powerful beast filled with fury and the desire for bloodshed. You think of a horrible monster dwelling in the Haunted Woods that will hunt you down as soon as look at you. What if I told you that this was not the case? Well, sort of. My name is Inona, your everyday Usul researcher. I, like many, have had a longstanding interest in the illustrious Werelupe, but real research on these fascinating creatures is incredibly scarce.

Other Stories


What Are Ghouls?
After yet another successful unhaunting, Brave Bren, the Professor, and Glyn were heading back to the Ghoul Catchers headquarters to recoup. Bren held the used equipment, the Professor held the lantern, and Glyn held the amulet containing the troublesome ghoul that they'd just been chasing for half an hour. As the Purple Usul stared down at the amulet and the forlorn face circling around on the inside, a strange question suddenly came to mind.

by cannizarro


Library of Kindness
"Rangeant, you're late again." Captain Threelegs muttered in front of the class. "I'm sorry Captain Threelegs. I overslept." I laughed as I walked through the Academy's classroom, walking to my seat. Captain Threelegs continued discussing the lesson while I was busy preparing things.

by misty_lax


Unique Spooky Foods
Some Spooky Foods are more unique than others. Sure, gummy rats are spooky, but there are three different kinds. Not very unique, right? And I couldn't tell you how many of those foods come from ghosts... Those aren't very special either. No, here I'll show you the strangest, spookiest, most unique foods ever to come out of the Haunted Woods. Ready? Here we go.

by zahjar2


Werelupes: Myth, Legends, and Truth
What do you think of when you hear the word "Werelupe"? More than likely, you think of a large and powerful beast filled with fury and the desire for bloodshed. You think of a horrible monster dwelling in the Haunted Woods that will hunt you down as soon as look at you. What if I told you that this was not the case?

by talthe


Thousand Yard Stare

by sheeplette


Picture Me This
Where should one draw the line?

Also by Minnesotan

by msjanny

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