Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 193,682,672 Issue: 707 | 13th day of Storing, Y17
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PPLease Be Kind To Petpets: Part One

Amity the Blue Kacheek rubbed his paws together nervously. Today was his first day as director of the PPL and he was determined to make the most of it. First order of business, he thought to himself, getting to know my new staff.

by flowerpower446
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"Library of Kindness" by misty_lax
”Rangeant, you're late again." Captain Threelegs muttered in front of the class. "I'm sorry Captain Threelegs. I overslept." I laughed as I walked through the Academy's classroom, walking to my seat. Captain Threelegs continued discussing the lesson while I was busy preparing things. That was what I called a normal day. Getting scolded by Captain Threelegs was a regular occurrence, no matter how irrational it was. Doesn't he know how far Terror Mountain is from Krawk Island? I wish there was an academy near my home. My parents enrolled me in this school telling me that I would learn a lot from Captain Threelegs. "I will be handling your homework for today. Make sure you finish your homework when you get home later." Captain Threelegs told the class after the bell rang, before stomping out of the room.

Other Stories


Dark Omen
The Black Pteri sits on a fence post howling doom and misery for all to hear... "Oh, please!" Ryan scoffed. "That's such a tacky beginning to a story." The storyteller sighed. "Young Neopet, will you allow me to tell my story without interruptions?" "Hey, I'm paying you for a story, aren't I?" Ryan retorted. "I should be able to interrupt." "Fine - just please make them sporadic. Anyway..."

by brookieebeaan


Why Snowballs Don't Melt
Have you ever noticed the various items made of snow that you can find all across Neopia? Have you ever wondered how they come to be in these places, so far away from Terror Mountain and Snowy Valley and yet haven't melted? This is the story of how they came to be.

by sammkt


The Top 5 Foods from Meridell
Ironically, Meridell is not known for having the best food in Neopia even though much of what is eaten there is grown on local farms. In fact, it is widely known as one of the worst places to get a tasty meal.

by emilyralphy


The Neopian Pound - That's No Life
This inspired me to begin regularly fostering abandoned neopets and helping them find good homes. The process starts with a search in the pound, where I look at each available pet one by one to determine who most needs my help. Today, I not only help Chias, but pets of all species.

Also by dutchese159

by krispykritter6


Uh... Whoops?

Also by tizzlestix

by meowbey


The Adventures of Kad and Drooly 4
I must escape...

by iciclefaerie05

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