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Neopets Poems

To send in your Neopets related poems or to find out more about the poetry contest, click here! The best poems get put on the site and earn 1,000 Neopoints, a RARE ITEM, and a Trophy for the author's trophy cabinet.

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Lenny Festival Special

A Lenny Watches the Sunrise
by symbolism

I awaken perched in the yellow eesa tree.
Watch as the sun rises and catches itself
on pieces of this world I know well:
a maple's slender branch, a crooked 
slat of fence, the copper trellis nursing
a sleepy swarm of roses, still all pursed lips.

I know that we all await these colours
on nights we cannot see the stars.
Stars I never search for, as instinct
tells me to hide from them, or at least
something that stalks beneath them.

Every day, a new red--red like my feathers 
in the spring, red like a yawning canyon
and its hasty shadows, red like clay
stirred cold by the morning's rain.

Every day, a yellow that blinds me,
a pink that reminds me of the blush
of an apple, or someone who recalls
a memory they'd rather forget.

Every day, I am moved to song
that I do not have in me,
unlike the Pteri, whose trill climbs
softly into the mist.

I open my beak and hear myself screech.
Observers turn to see, say to each other,
there is the one always tearing into the sky
with a new complaint. There is the one
who contorts his body into the shape 

of a smudgy S. I can't tell them that I have
no grievances with this world or the pieces 
of it that capture our sun every morning.
All I can do is take flight toward that sun.

They watch it cleave me from my shadow
and fill me with a new red, a new light.

Dr. Rune
by parody_ham

As a professor of renown
Greatest lepidopterist around
Studies butterflies near and far
Her published research sets the bar

Faerie Lenny with tied-back plumes
She roughs the field more than school rooms
Before daybreak clipboard in wing 
Listening to the Weewoos sing

A Lenny who admires flight
With careful gaze she records right
The plants in which these creatures dwell
Experience and notes will tell

The greatest of her research known 
Is evidence that trade has shown
To increase species richness new
With consequence on plants they chew

Caterpillars hungry for food
Are chowing down with crops pursued   
Farmers cry for help from the drain
Solutions she makes for their gain

The foremost expert in her field
With mighty quill alone to wield
A brain for science can’t abate
Dr. Rune, Ecologist great

Haiku for Lenny Day
by kayahtik

Time to celebrate
Neopia’s Lenny clan
Three most respected

Forgetful Lenny
Altador’s keeper of books
Finneus, who else?

Collects coconuts
For the Underwater Chef
Wheeler on his bike

Cunning more than most
Be wary of The Duchess
Leader of The Sway

These three feathered pets
Demonstrate the wide array
Of the great Lenny

Hymnody of the Halloween Lenny
by miraday

The work of witches is silent labour:
Spells are cast with nothing but a
Flash of light, a singe of fur, a soft
Murmur from an unseen neighbour
Whose home of ruins lays in decay:
A folktale whose subject is now lost.

Light becomes shade in the confines
Of the Halloween Lenny’s witch tower. 
Her wings conjure magic as if in flight,
Her cauldron’s bounty becomes the sky
And the urgency of her craft’s power
Clarifies her spell and its potent might.

The Witch Lenny always does her part
To help the unsuspecting with each cast
Of a masterfully constructed incantation.
It takes expertise to appreciate high art,
And magical prowess to value witchcraft,
As well as insight to respect its motivation.

Unfamiliar Neopets may distrust the witch,
Unbeknownst to them her magic summons 
The tailwinds over the Woods that many
Use to reach their destinations abridged.
Misunderstood magic helps in abundance,
Immortalized in the Witch Lenny’s hymnody.

Oh Lenny Lenny!
by helpstamp

Oh Lenny Lenny!
Standing tall and bright
With feathers glistening in the sun, 
And a stride to match the wind!

Oh Lenny Lenny!
Curious and inquisitive
Absorbing knowledge...
And devouring books!

Oh Lenny Lenny!
Your conundrums are confusing, 
But your wisdom is unmatched!
And new puzzles to challenge Neopia.

Oh Lenny Lenny!
Today is for you!
So flap your wings,
And shake your tail feathers!
It's time to celebrate!

Oh Lenny Lenny!
Today is for you!
So glide through the clouds, 
And swim through the skies!
Let's solve a puzzle or two or even more...
But with some cake of course!

Oh Lenny Lenny!
Let's celebrate you!

Lenny Day
by amplificationsseasy

The lenny is an amazing species oh, so rare
For speed and intelligence of theirs is so much to share
Mr. Finneus will give you his wonderful insights
On his fantastic research on the Altadorian archives

They truly define the phase of the early bird
They solve puzzles when young, which I can't decipher
Even if the whole world calls them a nerd
Only they will find the common divisor

Crosswords, mathematical conundrums and riddles
Are their forte including intricate symbols
Be careful not to mess with these cuties
As their minds are as informative as many libraries

Never ever doubt the famous lenny
For they have things in store a'plenty
They have been one of neopia's historic pets
Ooh, and one tip- try not to make a bet

Ode to Famous Lennies
by chocolatefootballcat

My name is Old Techo and I am a bard, 
Here to impart a pet’s glory (and it’s no canard!)—
That the Lenny is winged—majestic—the best! 
Tall—with a beak far greater than the rest! 
So listen closely, my chicklings, to this precious list 
and success as a Lenny you won’t ever miss. 

First we have Finneus, up in his archive
A smarter bird of Altador never was alive. 
With his feathers of blue and his specs of bright gold 
He’s quite dapper and clever despite being old.
He makes his roost up with the scrolls with a book, 
And knows what he knows, and knows where to look
If you come to him looking for help with your plot
He’ll certainly assist you—unless he’s forgot! 

Now Finneus has a nephew, a right genius Lenny, 
His ability with puzzles is simply uncanny! 
His name has been lost to the annals of history— 
The Conundrum Wizard, we call him—he's a bit of a mystery
As he whips out his wand with its bright glowing star 
And his robes and his hat—what a spectacle they are! 
If you fancy yourself smart, your brain up to the task, 
Give the Conundrum a try—but it’s a big ask!

Have you heard of the next bird, Moss Tullerby?
He’s the founder of the Conservation Society! 
He stepped up to the plate when our Wheels weren’t spinning
And paid for their repairs so we could keep playing and winning.
He’s a leader who steps up to make sacrifices 
Using his savings to help—isn’t that the nicest?

Our last Lenny is the hardest-working lad by a mile: 
He works for the Underwater Chef on that isle 
We call Mystery Island, where the coconuts grow—
Wheeler must cycle to fetch them, and not do it slow! 

These are the Lennys of note and of fame—
If you’re a young bird, do remember their names:
Finneus, Tullerby, the Wheeler, the Wizard—
If they’re not iconic, then I’m not a lizard.

Painting My Lenny
by darkhound45

Oh what brush to paint my Lenny?
I did not know there were so many!
Baby, Biscuit, or maybe Snow?
There are so many I just don't know!

My Lenny can be mean and scary,
So I won't consider the colour Faerie.
He can be nice but then again
I might just paint him Darigan.

Too many choices are in my head,
So maybe I should just go to bed.
If only I could choose, I'd be so proud.
I finally got it! I'll paint him Cloud!

Fancy Lenny Outfit
by indulgences

There does exist on this fine site
A Lenny outfit fine.
It’s called the Fancy Lenny look,
And surely is divine!

The Dress is blackest velvet, and
Is sewn with diamond streaks.
It glitters under ballroom lights, and
Looks so swank and chic!

The Shoes are glossy satin, and
Are ebony and bright.
When worn while dancing, these Shoes are
A stunning, awesome sight!

The Fan is held within the grip
Of graceful Lenny hands.
It’s made of whitest silk, and looks
So cultured, sleek and grand!

The Necklace is a posh affair,
A string of snowy pearls.
A gold medallion clasps it shut,
So graced with tiny whirls.

And finally, the lovely Hat
Completes this Lenny look.
It’s graced with feathers fluffy, large,
That flutter when they’re shook!

Go buy your Lenny this fine garb!
It’s sure to make her smile!
It’s elegant and glamorous,
And full of stunning style!

Wheeler's Wild Ride
by friends_rock2135

Wheeler the Lenny 
Sought some extra pennies
For his sister Jenny
Had once again eaten all the candies

Off to the Underwater Chef he goes
Where the Chef greets him with a sigh of relief
“Oh my dear friend,” he woes
“Mumbo Pango has gone mad beyond belief!”

A hundred coconuts Wheeler must seek
Before the clock strikes three 
Or run the risk of ruining the streak
Of keeping his friend free

Up and down the hill he dashes
Left and right he swings
Narrowly avoiding crashes
By manoeuvring his bike fit for kings

Five minutes to spare he completes the mission
Eyes beaming, he flushes with pride
His friend and pockets are in great condition
Plus he got to embark on a fun, wild ride!

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